How to Stay Warm Without Turning on The Heater

Now that the end of the year is fast approaching, the slightly cold and dry weather of fall has given way to shivering winter. This is the season when you don't want to go outside too much and stay in the coziness of your home. But if you are constantly using a heater at home to cope with the rapidly dropping temperature, then that will result in a hefty utility bill to pay which is a point of concern for many. So here we will give you some really handy tips to consider if you want to stay warm in the home without turning on your heater or using it really minimally.

Put on layers: Just like you do while going outside, put on layers at home as well. Woolen sweaters, jackets and cotton clothes are ideal to stay warm. Putting on many layers of such clothing will trap the warmth to your body and help you feel comfortable in cold weather. Put on a cap to cover your head as well.

Keep your feet snug: Feet are the one body part that easily gets cold and if your feet are cold then no matter what you do you won't feel warm. So instead of walking around in the house barefoot, wear a comfortable pair of slippers. Keeping your feet snug is the key to feeling warm and cozy.

Use carpet or rug: Spread a carpet or rug on the cold floor of your house so as not to lose the room heat through the floor and also keep it warmer to the touch.

Close the windows and use curtains: Carefully shut every window of your house to save it from harsh winter air from outside. If there's any balcony or lawn, then don't forget to shut the doors leading to them. Drape thick curtains over the windows to act as an insulator. You can also use plastic sheets for the same purpose.

Let the sunlight in: Sunlight is the most natural source of light and heat. So when there's sunlight outside, open the windows and let it in. It will warm you up very naturally and instantly. Just don't forget to close the windows after the sun goes down.

Cook and bake at home: Try to cook and bake stuff at home as much as you can in the colder months. Cooking generates heat in the kitchen which helps to boost the overall temperature even for a while. And for baking, keep the oven open after taking out your baked goods so that the heat gets released into the room. Though be careful not to keep it open for too long, it could be too wasteful and dangerous.

Drink hot beverages: Hot beverages like tea, coffee, cocoa, cider, etc are very helpful to stimulate the body and warm it up. So drink a lot of hot beverages throughout the day in winter. Hot chocolate can be your best friend during these times. It's full of carbohydrates which gives you the necessary boost to fight cold and it's also tasty. If not anything else, then drinking a cup of warm milk or water helps too.

Eat a lot: Keep in mind that harsh winter seasons are not the time to maintain strict diets and eat less. This is the time when you need to eat a lot of carbohydrates and protein especially to fight the cold weather. And it's preferable to eat home-cooked meals such as a bowl of hot soup or stew full of veggies.

Use heating pads: Using heating pads is another really effective way to feel warm and toasty. Use a low-wattage heating pad when you are seated. Or you can even make your own heating pads at home easily. 

  1. Take any small pouch of clothing and fill it with rice or beans.

  1. Put it in the microwave and heat it up for one minute.

Put these homemade heating pads in your bed and it will naturally feel a bit warmer. You can also use hot water bottles for the same purpose. 

Keep yourself active: Winter is the time when you are always tempted to laze around the whole day on your couch or bed wrapping yourself up in a blanket. But if you want to fight the cold and increase your body temperature, then you should keep yourself active as much as you can. Physical activities result in better blood circulation which increases body heat. Do all the house chores which involve moving around and you feel a lot less cold. Also, do light exercises every day to boost your body's immune system so it can handle the cold better.

Keep the fan at its lowest speed: It may sound bizarre to switch on the fan in winter, but it's actually a nice trick to make the room warmer. Warm air is lighter so it always drifts upwards so switching on the fan at its slowest speed actually pushes it downwards again. Also if you are using a heater, it helps to spread warmth around the room.

Lock the unused rooms: If you have unused rooms in your house, then consider locking them up for the entirety of the winter season. The less space there is, the cozier it is. Also, you have less space to worry about heating up.

Take a hot water bath: When you are feeling really cold, taking a hot water bath can help. This helps you feel stimulated and refreshed. If not the entire body, soaking only your feet in hot water for a while also does the trick. 

Use a humidifier: Use a small humidifier at your home. The heater makes the air of the room dryer, that's why using a humidifier is good to make the air moist and slightly warmer.

Enjoy a snuggling session: A very enjoyable way to feel warmer in cold seasons is to indulge in some quality snuggling sessions with family, friends, or pets.


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