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JeenaLaVie's Journaling Corner

Welcome to this space where we delve into exploring diverse cultures, arts, and anthropologies, hoping to inspire your curiosity.

From the Heart: The Best Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Loved Ones

We have been waiting patiently for the arrival of the holiday season, and now that it has arrived, we are overjoyed. It is that wonderful time of year when we can leave the stresses of everyday life behind and spend quality time with loved ones and good friends. However, this is also the time of year to embark on a merry hunt for the best holiday gifts to give to our loved ones as a way of expressing our gratitude and love for them. And choosing the perfect gifts for everyone is a challenging task. We have to keep everyone’s preferences in mind while choosing the presents. We are firm believers that the most delightful way to spread joy during this joyous season is by giving gifts straight from the heart, that is precisely why we are here with our Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide to give you the best gift ideas. We have curated a vast collection of different gift items keeping everyone’s different tastes in mind. So we hope that you will find it helpful and get the inspiration for the presents you are looking for.

Falling for Flavor: 15 Fall Vegan Recipes You'll Love

Though it may feel like we just entered 2023 a few days ago, we are already almost at the last quarter of the year. Scorching summer heat is slowly giving way to chilly fall weather. The sweater and scarf season is on the horizon. This is again that time of the year when your supermarket aisle will be full of seasonal produce such as cauliflower, turnip, brussel sprout, mushroom, pumpkin, kale, cabbage, squash etc. To make the best use of so many fresh, nutritious autumnal vegetables, we are here with a compilation of some of the best fall vegan recipes. All these dishes are pretty easy to make, need simple ingredients, completely plant-based, healthy and very tasty. They are bound to be hit with non-vegan people as well! So what are you waiting for? Let's dive straight into the flavor of fall.

Ready, Set, Roam: Your Comprehensive Europe Trip Packing Checklist

There is a wide range of climates and landscapes in Europe, from the warm and sunny Mediterranean to the moderate central region and the cold and snowy northern countries. What you'll need to pack depends on a wide variety of conditions such as where you are going and when you are going. Packing for Switzerland or Germany is going to be different from packing for Italy or Portugal. More so, what you bring to Europe in August varies greatly from what you bring in December.

Meditation as the Ultimate Self-Care Hack

Let's get one misconception out of the way right off the bat: self-care is not the same thing as self-indulgence, nor is it the same thing as being selfish. Practicing self-care entails attending to your own needs in order to ensure that you are in good physical and mental health, that you are able to perform the duties of your occupation, that you are able to offer assistance and care to other people, and that you are able to achieve everything you need to and want to in a given day.

Why Do You Need a Self-Care Plan & How to Execute it?

To live a happy and healthy life, it's paramount to take care of yourself constantly. That's where self-care planning comes into play. What's a self-care plan? It's a list of activities which will act as your coping mechanism and support the well-being of your physical, mental and emotional state. It's also a set of principles to live by so you don't fall into the dark abyss of stress and depression.

10 Tips on How to Organize Your Home Office

Pandemic has made working from home a new norm and this culture is definitely here to stay. Working from home is really advantageous for most people because it's far more comfortable. But sometimes it has its own share of disadvantages as well. The most challenging part here is to strike a balance between professional and personal life at home and your home office plays a big part in that. If your home office is unorganized and messy, it makes you feel agitated and lose focus on work. Thus your productivity decreases at an alarming rate. So if you want to stay in the comfort of your home and still stay as productive as you would be in an office, you have to pay attention to organizing your workplace a bit. We are here to help you with that.

How to Stay Warm Without Turning on The Heater

Now that the end of the year is fast approaching, the slightly cold and dry weather of fall has given way to shivering winter. This is the season when you don't want to go outside too much and stay in the coziness of your home. But if you are constantly using a heater at home to cope with the rapidly dropping temperature, then that will result in a hefty utility bill to pay which is a point of concern for many. So here we will give you some really handy tips to consider if you want to stay warm in the home without turning on your heater or using it really minimally.

How to Stay Healthy on Your Next Trip

Trips, be it for personal or professional reasons, are always a rollercoaster of unusual yet thrilling experiences. As exciting as that can be, such drastic changes in your daily life can jeopardize your body's natural immune system and pose a threat to various health issues. You don't want a nasty fever or diarrhea to ruin your travel plans. So we are here to share some really handy tips to keep in mind while planning your next trip to ensure you stay as healthy as possible during and after the trip.

Top 10 Fall Skincare and Haircare Tips

Summer's scorching heat is diminishing slowly and giving way to the colder and drier season of fall. Season to get cozy with hot cocoa and warm blankets is around the corner. Time to put aside your summer clothes temporarily and bring out the fuzzy sweaters. And it's not only the time to change your wardrobe, but also to change your skin and hair care routine. Change of season changes our skin and hair's requirements as well. So you have to adapt yourself accordingly if you want a flawless and healthy look in colder weather as well. Summer's scorching heat is diminishing slowly and giving way to the colder and drier season of fall. Season to get cozy with hot cocoa and warm blankets is around the corner. Time to put aside your summer clothes temporarily and bring out the fuzzy sweaters. And it's not only the time to change your wardrobe, but also to change your skin and hair care routine. Change of season changes our skin and hair's requirements as well. So you have to adapt yourself accordingly if you want a flawless and healthy look in colder weather as well.


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