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JeenaLaVie's Journaling Corner

Welcome to this space where we delve into exploring diverse cultures, arts, and anthropologies, hoping to inspire your curiosity.

Revamp Your Style for Spring: Top Ideas to Upgrade Your Wardrobe

Spring is in the air, and it's time to upgrade your wardrobe to match the new season! As the weather warms up and the flowers begin to bloom, it's natural to feel a sense of renewal and desire to refresh your fashion choices. Upgrading your spring wardrobe not only allows you to stay on top of the latest fashion trends but can also boost your confidence and help you feel more put-together. Whether you're looking to add some bold pops of color or incorporate lighter fabrics and textures, there are endless possibilities for creating a fresh and stylish spring look. So, let's explore why upgrading your spring wardrobe is not just a luxury, but an essential step to welcome the new season with a renewed sense of style and confidence.

Meditation as the Ultimate Self-Care Hack

Let's get one misconception out of the way right off the bat: self-care is not the same thing as self-indulgence, nor is it the same thing as being selfish. Practicing self-care entails attending to your own needs in order to ensure that you are in good physical and mental health, that you are able to perform the duties of your occupation, that you are able to offer assistance and care to other people, and that you are able to achieve everything you need to and want to in a given day.

Eid al-Fitr: Know the Significance of one of the Biggest Muslim Holidays

Muslims worldwide gather together to observe the significant religious holiday of Eid ul Fitr, also referred to as Eid al-Fitr or simply Eid. It is the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which Muslims observe by abstaining from food and drink from dawn until sunset each day. Traditionally, the Eid ul Fitr festival takes place on the first day of Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. During this time, Muslims gather with their families and friends to pray, give each other gifts, and eat together.

Dhokra Art: An Ancient Metal Art That Stood The Test of Time

India is a country that is well-known all over the world for the extensive cultural variety that it possesses. The local wares that are crafted by skilled craftspeople in various parts of our nation are highly sought after in markets all over the world. They are held in high regard as important relics that represent the culture and history of India. Handicrafts from India are typically made from natural raw materials and are therefore friendly to the environment. The Indian subcontinent is home to a vast number of distinct handicrafts, one of which is dhokra art. This art form has stood the test of time better than many others.

April 2023 Horoscope Predictions: What this month holds for all zodiac signs

In April of 2023, give in to your innate sense of hope, along with your passion and desires. The next month is going to be quite eventful for us, especially because we are about to enter eclipse season, which is the time of the year when our destinies change before our very eyes, like the sand sifting through our toes as the waves crash on the shore. You can anticipate a surge of electrical energy to crackle through the air, and you can also anticipate a flash of vibrant lightning to ignite within your spirit. Also, this is the last month that we have a period in time where there is no retrograde planetary energy, so make sure to get everything you can launch, tied up, or in motion prior to April 21. This is the last month that we have a period in time where there is no retrograde planetary energy. After this, the rest of the year will be marked by some kind of retrograde energy, which will cause us to move more slowly and cause us to engage in activities that involve our interactions with the past. On the other hand, this month also plays host to one of the most enchanted times of the year: on April 11, the sun and Jupiter will be in perfect alignment, ushering in the proverbial "luckiest day of the year." Ensure that you have something meaningful and memorable planned for this time of year, especially something that relates to new beginnings.

Azulejos: Traditional Portuguese Tiles that Adorns the Cities of Majestic Portugal

Port wine, seafood, surfing, and azulejos? Those are just a few of the things that come to mind when someone mentions Portugal. Some visitors, even if they are unfamiliar with the term, may have mental pictures of glazed ceramic tiles. Numerous stunning examples of these tiles can be found all over Portugal due to their widespread use and veneration in the country's architecture and culture. The use of tiles in Portuguese homes and buildings is one of the country's most defining cultural traits. Tiles can be found covering the floors of public spaces, buildings, train stations, and even some private homes. They can merely serve as decorations, but they can also help to teach us about our past or simply illustrate stories that are significant to the area where they are found. It is impossible to discuss Portugal, especially its capital Lisbon without mentioning azulejos, which in English is more commonly referred to as "tiles."

What is a Native American Powwow? Celebrate the Indigenous Culture with Jeena LaVie

Native American culture is a dynamic, evolving thing in its own right. Tradition and values are woven together to form a fabric that is passed down from one generation to the next. The powwow is an example of an ancient Native American tradition that celebrates the bonds between individuals and their communities.

March Horoscope 2023 Predictions: Know all about this upcoming month

This new astrological year begins on March 20, when the Sun enters Aries. On the other hand, March 2023 is a time of great planetary shifts, as new generations are on the horizon, necessitating regeneration and maturation. There is a death and rebirth occurring in your life that mirrors what is happening globally. The coming month will open up a world of possibilities. Without a certainty, the month of March is crucial, therefore it's best to pay attention. Check out this blog to know all about March Horoscope 2023.

2023 Horoscope: What This Year Would Bring for Each Sign

In a blink of an eye, another year has passed. The past year might have been a kind year for some people, a difficult one for some others. You might have gained a lot or lost something precious. But now with a brand new year, it's time to start anew. A new year brings new hopes and dreams. A year full of a lot of possibilities. And what does your 2023 horoscope have to say about your imminent future? Let's take a look at what each zodiac sign can expect from this year, 2023.

Ugadi Festival: Some Tidbits about the Famous Hindu New Year Celebration

According to the Hindu calendar, the day known as Ugadi or Yugadi, which is also referred to as Samvatsardi, is the day that marks the beginning of the new year and is celebrated in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. The word "Ugadi" means "the beginning of a new age." The first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra is the day on which this spring festival is celebrated in these areas with a lot of revelries. According to our Gregorian calendar, it falls somewhere between late March and early April. On this day, people are eager to begin new endeavors, as it is seen as an excellent time to kick off significant initiatives. As with most Hindu spring festivals, Ugadi is a time for new beginnings. The longer, brighter days bring a sense of renewal and hope for the future success of one's work, relationships, and spirituality. This festival is known as Ugadi in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and Gudipadawa in Maharashtra.


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