10 Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is an act of investing one's time and skills to help people, animals, and organizations in need without expecting monetary compensation in return. So in theory, it may sound like a selfless service where you are only giving to others and that itself undoubtedly is a noble purpose. But in reality, volunteering is actually a two-way road from which both the volunteers and the beneficiaries can enjoy a lot of perks. When you are doing something for the greater good of the community, you get back a lot of positive results in return. This is why volunteering is a good utilization of your spare time and energy. These kinds of activities leave a lasting impact on both your physical and mental health, uplifting your spirit to greater heights. And these results prove to be even more precious than any kind of monetary compensation can ever be.

  1. Reduces stress: Our day-to-day personal and professional life causes us a lot of stress on a regular basis. But spending some time volunteering can help reduce that stress level significantly. Because during such activities, you get to spend time doing something productive and helpful for others. You spend time in the company of various different people. Being helpful to others is a noble feeling which boosts serotonin levels in the body and encourages a relaxing feeling.



  1. Helps socializing: Volunteering is a perfect way to socialize with new people and build meaningful connections. Community services let you interact with many like-minded people from different walks of life. You get to learn about the different life experiences of such people and earn a broader perspective of life. These connections can also lead to a precious bond of friendship that may last a lifetime. Especially if you are new in an area, then there's no better way to get to know your new neighborhood than to participate in some local community services.



  1. Reduces depression and anxiety: Feeling of loneliness often develops into feelings of depression. Volunteering reduces the feeling of loneliness by giving you opportunities to interact with others and spending your spare time meaningfully. Thus it improves your mood and doesn't let the feeling of depression, anxiety, or frustration set in easily.



  1. Helps to stay fit: Volunteering activities doesn't only improve mental health, but also positively impact physical health as well. Many such activities demand a lot of moving around which is helpful to fulfill your daily requirement of exercise. When you are walking shelter dogs or playing around with the children of the nearby orphanage, you are exerting yourself. Thus it helps you to remain physically active and fit.



  1. Reduces chances of heart attack: Spending time doing community services often leads to a healthier lifestyle. When you are less stressed and getting your share of daily exercises, the chances of high blood pressure reduces drastically as well. That also equates to lesser chances of heart attacks. Research has shown that volunteering services boost overall immunity and thus reduce the mortality rate. That's why even elderly people should consider volunteering.



  1. Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem: When you are going out of your comfort zone to help people in need and challenging yourself with new activities, you earn a feeling of sheer fulfillment which boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem. It helps to boost your overall mood.

  1. Helps nurture hobbies: In your busy life, a few hours volunteering in your spare time in your chosen field can bring you the rare opportunity to nurture your hobbies. If you are fond of gardening then you can consider joining campaigns aiming to plant trees in different neighborhoods. Or if you are fond of books, you may find yourself a volunteer vacancy in your local library.

  1. Helps to build new skills: Volunteering helps you build a variety of new skills such as teamwork, communication, instant problem solving, delivering speeches, etc. These skills can be proven immensely valuable in both your professional and personal life. Many volunteering opportunities come with extensive training as well. These training sessions prepare you very well for your future.

  1. Helps gain job opportunities: Volunteering exposes you to different fields of work and thus more opportunities to find real job prospects. You gain a lot of new connections through the community services which can also land you surprising new chances. If not anything else, then participation in voluntary work itself can be a great highlight of your resume. Such experience will make you stand out from others because it proves your eagerness to make changes that matter.



  1. Helps gain experience in different fields of work: Are you planning to change your job or want to start your own business? But it is intimidating to start something new if you have no prior knowledge or experience regarding that field. Volunteering can give you the chance to experience the field of work you would like to explore. It can help you realize the pros and cons of your area of interest. It can help you make a decision if the line of work is worth pursuing in the long term. The experience you gain through the activities also proves to be priceless when you actually start working professionally.

Volunteering opportunities are available in almost every kind of work field. You just have to find the one most suitable for you. Be careful in choosing the correct field so you can enjoy yourself the most. Because that's what is the most important thing, to enjoy yourself. If volunteering starts feeling like a chore, then it defeats the purpose altogether. That's why careful consideration is important. There are options available for every kind of person. Even disabled people can contribute to volunteering by working from home remotely. Also, be mindful of the amount of time and effort you are putting into it. Don't stretch yourself thin or you will feel burnt out. 

Finding volunteering opportunities is not really difficult. There are various non-profit organizations looking for volunteers constantly to get their work done. Also, you can contact your local community center, library, animal shelter, or museum. They often have vacancies for volunteers. There are also volunteering options available abroad but be cautious if you choose to opt for that. It may demand a lot more from you than you are prepared to commit to. Only trust reputed organizations and enquire about everything thoroughly beforehand.


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