New Years EVE Abundance kit

Designed for the start of new stages in life.
SKU: SL0328
Shipping Fee: $7.99

Traditional ritual that allows to revitalize good energies, dissipating stress and anguish. A natural way to protect yourself with the power of traditional medicine. Its mission is to help people flourish, designed for the start of new stages in life. Agua de Kananga Kananga water is an alcohol-based perfume used in spiritual practices. Often used in purification rituals, Kananga water is very popular among people of African descent in the United States and the Caribbean. This kit includes Pusanga Cologne The Pusanga is an elixir that increases the power of seduction of a person who uses it to attract, conquer, reconquer and fall in love with the person one loves, attracting them with a desire for love and passion. The Pusanga is famous worldwide and recognized for its already mentioned properties. Agua Florida This renewing bath is traditionally used as an attractive ritual of good energy, ideal for starting new stages. Made with hydrosols and water from the boiling of flowers and leaves of powerful plants that come from the heights of Huancabamba and the depths of the Peruvian Amazon. Florecimiento polvo - Blooming Powder Esoteric Flowering Powders are used to attract good luck to people who have been blocked with negative energy.




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