JeenaLaVie's Journaling Corner

Welcome to this space where we delve into exploring diverse cultures, arts, and anthropologies, hoping to inspire your curiosity.

9 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Solitude for Your Well-being

Solitude is often a misinterpreted term. People often end up equating it being lonely, sad, or disconnected from the world. Thus it is often seen in a negative light. But in the true sense of the word, ‘solitude’ means alone time, aka the time you spend with yourself. And spending time with yourself doesn’t necessarily mean loneliness. It simply means the time you carve out from your hectic schedule to spend on your own, to reset your brain, to rewire your body, and to rejuvenate your soul.

10 Incredible Ways to Reset Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Nowadays the trend of life has been set in a way that all of us always live a busy life with very little time for ourselves. The daily grind is hectic, monotonous, and tiring. And this tiredness doesn't only impact our physical health, but it also affects our mental well-being. The repetitive schedules, boredom, and stress can lead to a state of slump where we feel sluggish and unmotivated about everything.


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