JeenaLaVie's Journaling Corner

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Ugadi Festival: Some Tidbits about the Famous Hindu New Year Celebration

According to the Hindu calendar, the day known as Ugadi or Yugadi, which is also referred to as Samvatsardi, is the day that marks the beginning of the new year and is celebrated in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. The word "Ugadi" means "the beginning of a new age." The first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra is the day on which this spring festival is celebrated in these areas with a lot of revelries. According to our Gregorian calendar, it falls somewhere between late March and early April. On this day, people are eager to begin new endeavors, as it is seen as an excellent time to kick off significant initiatives. As with most Hindu spring festivals, Ugadi is a time for new beginnings. The longer, brighter days bring a sense of renewal and hope for the future success of one's work, relationships, and spirituality. This festival is known as Ugadi in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and Gudipadawa in Maharashtra.


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