12 Tips on How You Can Spend Your Days Productively

Productive day doesn't mean doing a lot of things in one day. Productive day means utilizing your time in the most efficient manner so that you can get the best results you can achieve without being stressed or overworked. Being productive means scoping your workload and fulfilling it in ways which don't overwhelm you or cause burnout. But how to be more productive? Only the intention is not enough. You need a solid plan and the determination to stick to it. But exactly what do you need to do to create such a plan which will suit you best? This is why we are here to help. We have some amazing tips for you to keep in mind while planning your day.

  1. Create a To-do list: To have a productive day, first and foremost, you definitely need to create a to-do list of your tasks. Creating a to-do list helps you to remember everything that needs to be done. Block off 10-15 mins every morning to make that list. And then you can just take a look at that list and you will be able to immediately start working on your tasks without wasting any precious time.

  1. Prioritize your tasks: While going through your to-do list, prioritize your tasks in your daily planning. Don't just jump into the easy tasks first though that seems tempting. Decide which task needs your attention first and which can be held off for later. Finish your high-priority tasks first and then proceed to all other tasks on the list.

  1. Assign time for each task: Creating a to-do list is not enough to be productive if you are not assigning time to each of your tasks. Your goal should not be just to finish all the tasks on your list, but to finish them within a reasonable time frame. That's why the time assignment is important. You can obviously create a manual planner and keep track of timing yourself. But if you take help of Google Calendar or various planner apps available then your job will get far easier. You will be able to easily check if the tasks get finished in a timely manner.

  1. Share your to-do list with your workmates or family members: Share your to-do list with your team members or family so that they can also help you to stay accountable to finish everything you are supposed to do. Maybe it will also work as a motivation for them to finish their own share of tasks as well.

  1. Scope out your most productive hours: This will take some time for you to figure out and a bit of observation. Scope out the time of the day when you generally feel most energetic and productive. And use those hours to your advantage. Devote those hours to your most crucial tasks which need maximum attention and effort. That way you will be able to bring better results to the table.

  1. Set up a firm morning routine: Morning is the start of the day and thus often sets the mood for the entire day. If you start your day wrong, then it's highly likely that your entire day will be spent in a rather low-spirited nature which will affect your productivity. So try to start your day right with an effective morning routine. Sleeping in is tempting, but the rush you will experience later may just ruin your mood for the day. So try to maintain a habit of waking up in the morning with enough time for a smooth preparation for the day. Give time to orient yourself back to reality and get into the working mode. Also leave time for a morning bath and a hearty breakfast before starting your day.

  1. Take breaks: Working continuously for long hours is very counterproductive. Because after a certain amount of time, you start to lose your focus and your body becomes sluggish. If you force yourself to keep working even in that state, then you will only yield very mediocre outcomes. So to maintain a productive daily routine and yield great performances, you need to take breaks from work in regular intervals for some relaxing time. Give yourself time to refocus, re-energise. Go have a meal with your colleagues or family, do a yoga session or go for a walk around the neighborhood. Do whatever you think will give you the necessary energy boost to get back to your work with vigor. 

  1. Divide your workload in small tasks: When you have a huge task on your agenda, the workload feels really daunting and overwhelming. And that pressure often affects your productivity and you end up doing nothing at all. So divide your workload in several smaller, achievable tasks and start working from there. Finishing those smaller tasks one by one will give you a sense of accomplishment which will boost your overall morale. And that will help you achieve your bigger goals as well.

  1. Create a backlog: No matter how well you plan your to-do list, there's bound to be some tasks left unattended or tasks you need to rectify or update. So create a backlog for such tasks to make sure you remember getting back to them. You can block off a few hours of a day in a week to work on those backlogs.

  1. Keep your workspace clean: The amount of work you accomplish and the quality of your work heavily depend on what kind of environment you are working in. If you are working in a messy place, that will definitely dampen your mood and reflect on your productivity poorly. If you are wasting half of your time finding this or that in your workspace, you can't get much substantial work done in a given time. So make it a habit to keep your workspace clean and clutter-free. Keep your things organized in a way you don't have to go through much trouble to find them later when needed. Set a daily or weekly routine to tidy your workspace.

  1. Understand your limits: To be highly efficient and productive, you need to form a good understanding of your own limits and not stretch yourself too thin. Don't try to shoulder too many additional responsibilities which may eventually burn yourself out. Delegate some tasks to other capable people when necessary. Strike a proper work-life balance and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle. 

  1. Look back on your performance: At the end of each day, look back on how well you performed and keep upgrading your planning based on that. Check if you were able to finish all the tasks within the time frame. If not, then you will know to set your target more realistically next time. Keep in mind that there's no one size fits all strategy to be productive. Our tips are just for your help. You need to go through various strategies of trial and error and then decide what kind of planning works for you best. 


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